
The Wallet Style Best for You

Posted by WalletBe on Apr 16th 2024

Chances are, your wallet is a regular fixture in your day-to-day life. From smartphone wallets to passport carriers to accordion wallets to front pocket wallets to slim billfolds, there’s a type of wallet out there for every man and woman. Your own personal wallet style is something that you may hav …
What You Need In A Men’s Leather Wallet

What You Need In A Men’s Leather Wallet

Posted by WalletBe on Apr 16th 2024

Anytime they leave the house, men across the country have one thing in common: they want to make sure they don’t forget something. Having the ability to know where all of your important artifacts are - from keys to cash to credit cards to your driver’s license - can be a huge load off your mind, esp …

WalletBe Wallets- functional for all Occasions

Posted by WalletBe on Apr 16th 2024

Here are just a few examples of our highly functional wallets in specific uses:All-In-OneWhen you’re going out for an evening of social fun, you will want to make sure you have everything you need: money and credit cards to pay for food and drink, driver’s license if you’re going to be traveling by …
Travel Tips For Your Credit Card

Travel Tips For Your Credit Card

Posted by WalletBe on Apr 16th 2024

As WalletBe expands into the travel accessories market, we figured it would be a good time to cover some travel tips. Since we’re absurdly proud of our front pocket wallets and card wallets, we figured we’d start with some overseas advice for your credit card. In today's current environment, it’s no …

Tips For Cleaning Out Your Wallet

Posted by WalletBe on Apr 15th 2024

Isyour wallet a clutter magnet, making you feel like everything (needed or not needed) is stuffed into one tiny billfold? Do you find yourself sitting at an angle because it’s so thick in your back pocket? Does stuff fall out of it every time you open it up? If you answered “yes” to any of these que …

The Surprisingly Long History of the Wallet

Posted by WalletBe on Apr 15th 2024

Chances are, you can’t imagine life without your wallet. It’s always there for you, whether you keep it in your back pocket or favorite purse. The wallet is essential to daily modern life, and believe it or not, it has been a necessity for centuries. While wallets have not always been the fashionabl …