
The 10 Best Front Pocket Wallets

Posted by WalletBe on Jun 6th 2023

While there are many front pocket wallets in the market place today, WalletBe stands out among the most functional.  Walletbe helped launch some of the first front pocket wallets on the popu;ar shopping channel, QVC back in 2002.Much has changed since then with changing consumer needs …
The Incredibly Simple Reason Your Back Hurts

The Incredibly Simple Reason Your Back Hurts

Posted by WalletBe on Jun 2nd 2023

Does your back hurt? You are not alone. It is estimated that more than 31 million people are experiencing back pain in the United States Back pain is so prevalent that it is the second most common reason that Americans vi …
Travel Security Tips to Protect Your Valuables

Travel Security Tips to Protect Your Valuables

Posted by WalletBe on Jun 2nd 2023

At WalletBe, we love to see the world. With that being said, however, all it takes is one careless oversight to turn your dream vacation into a nightmare, especially when you’re traveling overseas. A lost plane ticket, a stolen phone, or misplaced hotel reservations are all stressful ways to spend y …
How A Wallet Purse Fits Today's Lifestyle

How A Wallet Purse Fits Today's Lifestyle

Posted by WalletBe on May 7th 2023

Tired of carrying around that huge handbag on your shoulder?  Usually half of the weight is the bag itself without anything inside.  Add in a wallet packed with stuff, a brush, makeup, phone and several other accessories and you're carrying around a mini suitcase that is also taking its to …

10 Must-See Travel Destinations

Posted by WalletBe on Apr 18th 2023

You can’t help it: you’re a wanderer. Your friends and family wish you would stay put, but it’s in your soul. Planning your next trip abroad is your favorite way to procrastinate in daily life, and you often daydream about exploring on the other side of the world. With a world as beautiful and expan …
Remembering Your First Wallet

Remembering Your First Wallet

Posted by WalletBe on Jun 23rd 2016

Do you remember your first wallet? Like your first wristwatch or piece of jewelry, having your own wallet made you feel like an adult, even if you barely had any use for it. If you were like most children, you probably got one before you needed it for keeping money, which you were likely only just b …